Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I suck at keeping up with this thing...

Wow... I'm not too good at keeping up with things like this! I forget I have it sometimes.
Well, not much has been going on here other than work, which isn't bad at all. I like it up there, the people I work with are nice, so I can't complain. That's about it.
Things are going smoothly and school starts in a few days. I'm not really happy about that, but that's alright. I'm gonna be done soon!
I guess I'll write when more is going on!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Kind of new to this...

Wow... I always said I would never do this! Blogs... My boyfriend and I talked about how we didn't like blogs, but look at me now! It's weird how things change.

I used to keep a halfway regular blog on MySpace, but it seems as though I don't have the time to keep up with it. Hopefully, I will be able to keep up with this one more often.

I guess this blog is more for friends to keep up with me, because God knows I'm sometimes bad at returning phone calls. So, here it goes.

I'm in my last "real" Spring semester here at Tarleton State. I say my last "real" Spring semester because I will be student teaching and graduating! WOO HOO! FINALLY! I feel like I've been here forever and that's probably because I have been! I've already registered for my last few Summer classes and my last Fall semester. It seems so surreal that I am almost finished. The same semester complete my degree, David we be receiving his masters degree! I am SO proud of him!

Well I think that makes a grerat first blog, so I'll catch everyone around.